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How To Choose The Right Curtain Lengths (And What To Avoid)?

How To Choose The Right Curtain Lengths

Window curtains can make or break any interior design and therefore, the right choice of curtains becomes a significantly important decision. Among all the aspects of window curtains, the length plays a vital role in defining and regulating the overall vibe of your residential or commercial window curtains.

Are you confused about the ideal length of window curtains? In this post by Window Curtain Shop, we’ve resolved this confusion of customers and every one by explaining all the considerations of curtain length.

How To Choose The Right Curtain Lengths

The Ideal Choice of Curtain Length: What To Consider?

Before we jump to explaining the considerations of window curtains, you must know about the standard length of curtains. Below, we’ve listed the standard length of curtains.

  • Short-Length Curtains: These curtains are preferred for kitchen and bathroom windows and are 63 inches (160cm) only.
  • Mid-Length Curtains: The most commonly used window curtains come in standard lengths and are 84 inches (213cm) in length.
  • Long Curtains: For extra large windows in conference halls and similar interiors, the preferred length of curtains is 108 inches (244cm).

1. Take Precise Curtain Length Measurements

Most people are confused about taking length measurements for window curtains. It’s simply from the floor to the rod placement above the windows. For this purpose, you need to be careful and take measurements in a straight line. Otherwise, a few inches or centimeters will be added to the length of the curtain panels and you’ll end up with more problems.

And, the second thing you should be careful about is measuring tape. Your measuring scale or tape should be precise and accurate or if you’re reading the scale manually it’s important to note the readings at the eye level.

Adding further, the curtains help you virtually add to the length of the windows. How’s that possible? Well, if you’re hanging curtains much more above the window top, then it creates a dramatic effect and makes people believe you’ve got large windows. Similarly, when the curtain rod is installed right next to the top of the window, it shrinks the size of the window.

So, where should one place the curtain rod for ideal or standard practices? The rule of thumb is to install the curtain rod almost about 4 inches from the top of the window. And, that means you should measure the length of the curtains from the floor to 4 inches above the top of the window.

The Curtain Length Choices Per Distinct Varieties

You must have heard of window curtains that puddle and curtains that are half the length of windows. Similarly, there are floor-length window curtains (the most popular) and apron curtains for windows. We’ve explained all the varieties of window curtain lengths below for your better understanding.

1. Window Sill Curtains

These are curtains that cover only the lower portion of the windows and end right at the window sill. These curtains are installed in kitchens and bathrooms. They create a light and airy interior ambiance and provide decorative flexibility due to the various choices available.

2. Apron Curtains

Just as standard curtains are measured up to 4 inches above the top of the window, apron curtains come down about 4-5 inches from the window sill. These are mid-length window curtains and measure about 84 inches.

3. Floor-Length Window Curtains

Floor-length curtains are exactly as they sound i.e. they come down and just above the floor level. These are also referred to as “Full-length Curtains”. These window curtains hang just above the floor level (one or two inches). These curtains are about 96 inches in length and are the standard length curtains for residential and commercial windows.

4. Curtains That Puddle

Some people prefer curtains to pool on the floor and they look good in certain situations and distinct decor settings. These window curtains are about 1-3 inches more lengthy and the extra length is what creates the dramatic effect. Formal luxury interiors, especially dining halls make use of such curtains to add to the glory and grace of the window appearance.

Think About Curtain Fabrics & Styles

The length of window curtains is significantly affected by the curtain fabrics and hanging styles. How to choose the right curtain lengths curtains can offer different visual appeal depending on the fabric materials and hanging styles. As you already know, there are polyester, cotton, linen, silk, sheer, velvet, and abundant choices for window curtain materials. And, there is no limit to the hanging styles of curtains i.e. eyelet, single panel, rod-pocket, goblet, pinch-pleat, tab-top, etc.

On the market and among ready-made curtain choices, you’ll find two most common hanging styles for window curtains such as grommet and rod-pocket curtains. Grommet or eyelet curtains are hung via rings that pass through the curtain rod and offer sleek appearances.

While rod-pocket curtain panels are inserted through the rod and come under the traditional curtain hanging styles. Therefore, you should always consider curtain fabrics and hanging styles and discuss them with the seller before purchasing curtains for ideal lengths.

What Should You Always Avoid When Purchasing Curtains?

How To Choose The Right Curtain Lengths dubai

There are some don’t do’s of purchasing window curtains and we’ve summarized them below.

  • Don’t hang curtains too low.
  • Don’t choose narrow and long curtain panels together.
  • Don’t hang curtains within the window frame.
  • Determine the rod placement as per the interior scale and dimensions.

In Conclusion

The ideal choice of length of window curtains is important because it’s about the overall vibe of your residential or commercial interiors. In this post, we’ve summarized all the pro tips and important considerations that one should not miss out on when purchasing window curtains. And, we have summarized some mistakes people make when purchasing window curtains.

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